
lunedì 26 dicembre 2011

David Gold

Arrivo al cimitero di Mount Pleasant che è presto (o tardi, non lo so): i sogni sono così, ti trovi nel bel mezzo di una situazione, non hai la più pallida idea di come ci sei finito (e nemmeno te lo chiedi) ma sai perfettamente dove andare e cosa fare.
C'è solo una leggera pioggerellina a farmi compagnia. Attravero i vialetti di breccino bianco e, in una sorta di radura, trovo la sua tomba. E' un pezzo unico di marmo nero, semplice e minimale nella forma, con una lapide coperta da una cupola di vetro. Nello spazio tra la lapide e il vetro ci sono solo alcuni fiori, buttati alla bell'e meglio, una flebile lucina e una foto in bianco e nero, che ritrae il defunto di profilo, un'immagine leggermente sfocata, come se stesse già iniziando a scomparire mentre ancora era in vita.
Sulla parete del marmo, sono scritte a lettere dorate queste parole:

I was buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, alone and unceremoniously
...Buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, when life was taken from me
Our tree was full and green, I had to leave it
The sadness was overwhelming,
To be alone beneath it
The sun came down hot and hard, I could never sleep
To disappear was the only way I could find relief
When I was buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, alone and un-Sarah-moniously
... Buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, when life was taken so suddenly
First I paid my respects to Glenn Gould
Then I visited the grave of Alexander Muir
Next to Eaton's tomb, I hung my head and cried
Looking for Joseph Mulgrew, I gave up and died
When I was buried...
The birds sang, the flowers in bloom, spring had just begun
Recently fitted for a suit, now lying in a box
By summer, I was gone, my remains stolen from the ground
My body never recovered and I was never found
... Until now
I was buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, alone and unceremoniously
Buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, between the monuments and trees
At the heart of the city, Amongst the statues and fountains
New life could begin, where the old path I ran came to and end
I was buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, alone and unceremoniously
... Buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, when life was taken from me

David Gold, io non ti conoscevo, della tua band avevo solo un disco, ma solo per il fatto che stanotte nel mio sogno il protagonista eri tu ti ho voluto dedicare questo scritto: magari ti potrà essere di aiuto, magari potrà esserlo per me.

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